Touring the Cultural Food Pantry and The Panorama of the City of New York

By Montez Press Radio

August 29, 2021

A light green Montez Press Radio post-it with a mix of handwritten and stamped text. A portion of the stamped text reads "Montez Press Radio, August 26-29 2021, New York City. In Collaboration with Queens Museum". A black, ballpoint pen illustration of a can appears on the left with a label that reads "Cultural Food Pantry".
Caption: Courtesy of Montez Press Radio.
Image Description: A light green Montez Press Radio post-it with a mix of handwritten and stamped text. A portion of the stamped text reads “Montez Press Radio, August 26-29 2021, New York City. In Collaboration with Queens Museum”. A black, ballpoint pen illustration of a can appears on the left with a label that reads “Cultural Food Pantry”.

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Este programa de radio captura la visita de Montez Press Radio, socio del programa de YoU, a la Despensa Cultural de Alimentos del Queens Museum, que está organizada en asociación con La Jornada. Esta iniciativa, que se lleva a cabo semanalmente los miércoles, combina ofertas de comida gratuita, arte y actividades centradas en la cultura para las familias locales. Presentada en español, esta grabación presenta comentarios en vivo de voluntarios y de los visitantes, y tambien una entrevista con Gianina Enriquez, la organizadora comunitaria del Queens Museum y la fuerza impulsora detrás de la Despensa Cultural.

Tres voluntarios comparten sus experiencias trabajando con la despensa de alimentos, describiendo la variedad de roles necesarios para garantizar que esta iniciativa semanal funcione sin problemas, nos cuentan sobre las luchas del servicio comunitario pero también notan el impacto de las experiencias reconfortantes que tienen en el transcurso del día, y el parentesco y la comunidad que han encontrado incluso en los momentos más difíciles de la pandemia de COVID-19.

MPR concluye su sesión con un recorrido del Panorama de la Ciudad de Nueva York a cargo de Xavier Robles Armas, becario de exposiciones y programas. Desarrollado específicamente para los visitantes de habla hispana que se dirigen al Queens Museum todos los miércoles, este recorrido tiene como objetivo invitar a la audiencia de la despensa de alimentos a hacer conexiones entre las narrativas personales y las perspectivas críticas sobre los impactos de la infraestructura urbana en las comunidades de su municipio y por todo Nueva York.

Este programa de radio fue dirigido y coordinado por Xavier Robles Armas y editado por Gianina Enriquez y Montez Press. Estén atentos para el próximo segmento, donde escucharemos canciones solicitadas por los voluntarios y visitantes de Cultural Food Pantry.


This radio program captures YoU Program Partner Montez Press Radio’s visit to the Queens Museum’s Cultural Food Pantry, which is organized in partnership with La Jornada. Held weekly on Wednesdays, this initiative combines offerings of free food, art, and culture-focused activities to local families. Presented in Spanish, this recording features live commentary from volunteers and Cultural Food Pantry visitors, and an interview with Gianina Enriquez, the Queens Museum’s Community Organizer and the driving force behind the Cultural food Pantry.

Three volunteers share their experiences working with the food pantry. Describing the range of roles required to ensure that this weekly initiative runs smoothly, they tell us about the struggles of community service, the impacts of the heartwarming experiences they have on a day-to-day basis, and the kinship and community they have found even in the most trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

MPR concludes their session with a tour of The Panorama of the City of New York led by Xavier Robles Armas, Exhibitions and Programs Fellow. Developed specifically for the Spanish-speaking visitors who make their way to the Queens Museum every Wednesday, this tour aims to invite the food pantry audience to make connections between personal narratives and critical perspectives on the impacts of urban infrastructure on communities in their borough and throughout New York City.

This radio program was led and coordinated by Xavier Robles Armas and edited by Gianina Enriquez and Montez Press. Please stay tuned  for a forthcoming segment, where we hear songs requested by Cultural Food Pantry volunteers and visitors.